I recently stumbled upon a new addition to my tank during a lunchtime visit to one of my local fish stores. As I browsed through the tanks, I came across a fish that caught my eye - it was labeled as an "Assorted Cichlid," but I couldn't resist taking it home with me.
After some research, I discovered that this little guy was a Golden Mbuna, or Melanochromis auratus. These fish are native to Lake Malawi in Africa. They are known for striking coloration - bright yellow bodies with dark blue markings.

The Golden Mbuna is an excellent choice for your tank. They are relatively hardy and adaptable, able to tolerate a wide range of water conditions, and not overly demanding in terms of diet.
When setting up a tank for Golden Mbunas, it's essential to provide a sandy substrate and plenty of rocks and caves for hiding and spawning. These highly social fish should be kept in groups of at least six individuals.
In terms of diet, Golden Mbunas are primarily herbivores and thrive on a diet of algae-based pellets and fresh vegetables. They will also accept frozen or live foods, but it's essential to remember that their diet should be predominantly plant-based.

One of the most exciting aspects of Golden Mbunas is their breeding behavior. These fish are mouthbrooders, meaning that the female will fertilize the eggs and then carry them in her mouth until they hatch. The male will then take care of the fry, defending them from other fish and keeping them in a small area until they are big enough to fend for themselves.
The Auratus is a beautiful and fascinating fish that can make a great addition to any cichlid tank. Their hardy nature and striking coloration make them a tropical paradise in any aquarium.